9 tips for a different way to look at travel

Traveling is always interesting, because we get new impressions, get acquainted with culture and sights and use https://lingvanex.com/translation/english-to-hindi. But it happens that you return from a trip with the feeling that you did something wrong and if there was an opportunity to return the time, you would have spent the trip differently.

Our advice may seem completely obvious, but somewhere absurd and you will not agree with them. But still, read the article and, perhaps, the next trip will fill your bowl of emotions to the top.

Skip the things that don’t matter to you
There are such tourist places that are marked in all guidebooks as must see. For example, the Greenwich Meridian or Times Square on New Year’s Eve. And if for some travelers this is very important, but for you it is an absolute nightmare, then you should not torture yourself just because it happens “once in a lifetime”. This is your journey and you must do what pleases YOU.

Get Lost
Of course, planning a trip is so tempting. After all, you don’t want to miss anything. And try at least one day to go for a walk around the city without a map and a guide. Go where your feet take you and see what happens. After all, all the best adventures are unplanned.

Talk to strangers
Chat with the waiter who brought your morning Americano, exchange a few words with the person who shares the bench with you, accept the invitation of the shop owner for tea. Finally, smile at a stranger. New place, new people, new emotions.

Have a rest day
Try to cover more sights in a day than you planned, and the next day arrange an emotional discharge and spend the whole day in bed with https://lingvanex.com/translation/english-to-korean.

Leave the camera alone
Of course, you want to capture as many moments as possible. But it is in these seconds that you are in that very place and you can enjoy it. And many click hundreds of photos at a time, and some still manage to immediately post everything on social networks. Realize that while you are photographing, your emotions are focused on finding the best shot. But you didn’t come here for that, did you?

Do what you fear
Are you afraid of heights? Go to the mountains. Can’t cook? Participate in a local cooking workshop. We spend our lives avoiding what we fear. While traveling, we get new experiences. Yes, many people look stupid doing things they have never done before. But it’s worth it, believe me.

Forget traditional souvenirs
How much time do you spend buying souvenirs for your family, friends, colleagues? The result is the same – everyone gets magnets or trinkets that gather dust on the shelves. It is much better to bring some local delicacies: Turkish delight, chocolate, coconut. Even if all this can be bought in a supermarket under the house, everyone will be interested in trying “foreign treats”. And then you can say: “Ours do better.”

Buy a bauble for yourself
Yes, yes, the previous advice was about not buying trinkets. But this is for friends and family (for them it will be just a souvenir). And be sure to buy yourself some little thing that will remind you of the trip and mentally return you to those very happy vacation days.

Don’t be upset if you don’t like the place.
There is no rule that says that you must fall in love with the city you visit. No matter how much money you’ve spent and how far you’ve come, you don’t have to be thrilled. The world is amazing – there are cities with which you will have an inexplicable relationship. And there are places that do not leave behind special impressions. And there is nothing absurd in the fact that you did not like the country or resort that you have chosen for yourself.