Treatment and recovery at the Dead Sea

The sandy shore and will help to improve health and bring the body into a state of peace.

Why the Dead Sea is therapeutic:

The salt lake is 400 m below sea level, accordingly, the body of water creates a special filter for ultraviolet rays only beneficial effects. Its therapeutic value is different from other beaches, where patients can be in the sun for a few minutes. At the Dead Sea this time increases to 7 hours.
The effect of the barometric chamber is created by the high atmospheric pressure.
The area of the salt sea is considered a protected area. The air is free of allergens of all kinds, it has 15 times more bromine, and it has a beneficial effect on the nerves and helps in the treatment of lung and other diseases and reading
Drinking water contains large amounts of selenium, which inhibits the growth of abnormal cells in the body.
The water is full of salts, minerals and trace elements. They create the effect of weightlessness, as a result the musculoskeletal system begins to strain and exercise.